Mr. Albero,
My name is Casey and I have been taking care of an abandoned cat named Cookie for about a month now. I'll tell you how it all went down.
I was coming home around 8pm a while back and I see this cat in the parking lot with a collar on, which struck me as odd. I picked the cat up and called the number on her tag.
Some girl answered and I told her I found her cat, her response was, "Oh, that's Cookie, she's an inside/outside cat." Okay Mr. Albero, we live in an apartment complex with a bunch of college kids driving their cars too fast through the parking lots, not a big farm where a cat has room to roam, etc.
I left the situation alone, until about a month ago when Cookie showed up without her collar, roaming around the apartment complex, crying and scratching in front of my door. I started to feed and water Cookie, as I thought it was odd that she was missing her collar.
Then the thunderstorms started rolling in and this cat is sitting outside in the rain. I am terribly afraid of thunderstorms, but I ran outside, scooped Cookie up, and put her in my storage room with food and water until the storm passed. I have done this about 4 times in the past month and I cannot bear to see her sitting outside, screaming and crying in a thunderstorm again.
Cookie is very sweet, very affectionate, has no problem being handled but is a little shy at first, and squirmy. She is about a year to a year and a half old. I'm pretty sure Cookie is fixed, but not declawed. I don't know anything about her shots. I would take her in, but I have three cats of my own in my 1 bedroom apartment. Its just breaking my heart to see her suffer out in this heat.
I make sure she is fed and watered every day, and I'm pretty sure some of my other neighbors are feeding her from time to time as well. I just want Cookie to have a good home and I know she isn't a kitten but she is a great cat. I don't want to take her to the Humane Society. I know people read your blog, as do I, and there's gotta be someone out there that will give Cookie a great home. Its not her fault her stupid, irresponsible owner abandoned her and its not fair that she has to suffer because some moron girl got tired of her. If someone has a big heart for a big baby, Please get in touch with me. My heart is broken for this cat. I've enclosed a few pictures of her and where she is living right now. I built a make shift home for her outside of my apartment.
Thanks Mr. Albero,