Hey Joe here is another animal adoption for you (I think we send these to you and you post to the site?). :) Still loving your blog & the shirts are fantastic!!!! And to think I used to hate reading the news. :)
Chinese Water Dragon
This is a chinese water dragon we have named Thai that we were babysitting until we could find her a home. My father in law is a science teacher and had her at his school. Since school is out he has no where for her to go (he already has reptiles of all kinds at home).
We think she is about 1.5 years old, is 2.5 feet long and is green and brown. She loves to ride on your shoulders, loves to climb & loves to be pet on top of her head. She comes with the tank she's in but the UVB light and heat lamp need to still be purchased along with a bigger habitat. I also have the cricket cubes (that feed the crickets you have on hand) that will also come with her. She really needs a bigger terrarium for her or a home built one because the one she currently is in is to small. She is pretty low maintenance as well (change the water bowl everyday, feed her once a day, change & clean the cage every other day).
I do not suggest anyone with little ones to adopt her. They can carry salmonella and really need to be around those who realize after they get done touching her or anything in her tank, their hands need to be washed. :)